Monday, April 19, 2010

3 Keys to Success

Good Monday morning to you -

I'm going to keep this short today as I'm sure we all have a mountain of things to do today.

I wanted to share three things that I have pulled from the hockey world and been able to apply it to life and business. Craig Anderson's  stunning performance last night reminded me that to attain success we need to focus on three things:

Numer Uno: Be on Fire

What I mean by that is this: You've got to have a fire under your ass. If there isn't one, light it. If your firestarter isn't working so well and the kindling won't lite - Go to the store, buy some firestarters, a zippo and git 'er done.

Numero Dos: Have Fun

It's an incredibly simple concept yet many of us forget that we need to enjoy what we're doing. If you're unhappy in life, at your job, or whatever position that you are in, make a change. Why spend your life miserable and not enjoying yourself? I've been fortunate enough to have some great relationships with colleagues as well as people such as Paul Castain, Kelley Robertson, and Jim Kozak. I'm having a blast and there is no question I perform better under these circumstances. The same was true when I was playing in goal. If I was stressed out, worried about the end result, and what we used to call "pucker bum", I turned in to a sieve. When I was able to go out, have fun, and let my skills do the talking, I was unstoppable. If you were fortunate enough to see the game last night between the Colorado Avalanche and the San Jose Sharks, it was clear Anderson was having the time of his life and possessed all three things I am proposing here today as keys to success. A 51 save shutout is virtually unheard of. The only other comparable feat in my memory was Tuukka Rask's 52 save, 1-0 overtime victory in the Bronze Medal game of the World Jr. Championships a few years back which I witnessed in person.

Numero Tres: Have Confidence

If you don't believe in yourself, why should anyone else? That is all I have to say on the confidence issue. 
Lighting the Fire
In closing, I'd like to share with you a video that will get your blood boiling, the fire under your butt raging, and send shivers down your spine. It was originally shared with me by my goalie coach, and mentor Pascal Valana. So, please enjoy The 212 movie

Rock horns up, Jedi sticks glowing - Let's Go!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Something Great

Hi there -

It's been a while since my last post but I felt there wasn't much point spitting out blabbering garbagio.

Today I'd like to take a moment and commemorate the memory of a great Canadian, Terry Fox. It was 30 years ago today he dipped his leg into the frigid waters of the Atlantic Ocean and began his "Marathon of Hope". His goal was to raise $1M for cancer research. Today, over $500M has been raised.
Little did Terry know that the world would grab hold of his courageous efforts and support him on his quest to conquer cancer. He became a household name across Canada, the United States, and now in 40 countries across the World, we celebrate his legacy with the Terry Fox Run.

This proves that a single person with a big dream, a goal, and the willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve that goal can change the world. Unfortunately for Terry, he passed away trying.

I challenge you this week to dream; and dream big. I challenge you to try something new, something different, maybe even a bit obscure. Find what motivates you and go get it. I saw a quote this morning that said "We are all gifted. Unfortunately, many of us never touch the wrapping paper and see what's inside".

Perhaps a visit to a spiritual leader could provide you with some insight or a different perspective on life. Try setting up a meeting with a Rabbi, Priest, Monk, or Nun. I myself am not religious but think these people have a very unique view on life and it can certainly help. Alternatively if that sort of thing is not for you, try skydiving, snowboarding, wakeboarding, rollerblading, or whatever tickles your fancy. Life is too short to not get out there and try things. Mix it up a little and see what your ROI is. I bet you will be surprised.

It's time to get off your duff and make a difference. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. Remember that. And, if you need a refresher, go back and read my "Be Legit" piece. This applies to not only business's but people on a day to day level. Seriously, just be a good person. I think we all can agree on that.

Have a fantastic week and go kick some ass.