Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Olympics & Sales - Connected?

With just 3 days until the games begin here in Vancouver, the city is alive and the spirit can be felt from coast to coast, across the United States, and around the world. People from all corners of the globe are filling the streets in anticipation of the ultimate test of athletic performance in winter sports. These are the top dogs, the best of the best, and they want gold more than anything.

Let us look back to the summer Olympics - Beijing 2008 -

Two athletes stand out for me;
Michael Phelps and Usain Bolt.

These two athletes were without question the best at their sport and peaked at the right time. Usain and Michael are arguably the two best Olympians ever.

I was involved in competitive hockey for many years and understand what it takes to be the best. It takes hard work, dedication, perseverance, and a mindset that no matter what brick wall or (excuse my french) A-hole coach, manager, owner stands in the way, you must become a raging bull and bulldoze through it.  The same attitude must be applied not only to your work life, but your personal life as well.

It's about wanting to get to achieve your goals and dreams. Sure it sounds cliche. I'm the first one to admit it.

We all know about how to set goals and work towards accomplishing them. How many of us actually have a daily reminder? There are very few people who are the best at what they do.

Michael, Usain, and (yes I'll go there) Tiger Woods have shown us that with an action plan and a road map to success, we can accomplish things we never thought possible. You can see in their eyes before the competition begins, they know they are going to win. It's a mindset that we all have to attain and begin to believe in ourselves that (pardon the Obama quote) "Yes We Can".

Today, take on the role of an eight year old planning your Olympic dream. How would you go about doing that? What would you need to do to get their? Translate that into what you want in life, business, sales, sport... whatever.

Please leave a comment, stay tuned, and you like, follow me on twitter @admrebak

Go Canada Go

Go Canada Go

Go Canada Go

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