Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Twitter Quotes and Interpretation

Good morning bleeps - (Is that the blogger term for people? Twitter has tweeple)

On a daily basis I get hundreds and hundreds of tweets that show up in my tweetdeck. As I'm sure many of you know, the majority of tweets are never read or even seen. I personally have my "all friends feed" which I occasionally will look at to see if there is anything interesting and every now and then, add the user to my group that I do pay close attention to. I've labeled this group "Interesting People". 
Now you know how I operate my TweetDeck... Whoopedy Doo...

The following are a few tweets and what they mean to me:

@bcbusiness: The salespeople have conquered the boardroom and are blaring their rock and roll.
     - Yes, us salespeople are awesome. We take over, conquer and are rockstars.

@benkepes Ho.ly Sh.** th.is sh.ort u.rl w.ar is get.ing ug.ly >>ROFL
     - With Google and Facebook both getting in on it, things could get pretty messy fairly quickly. bit.ly is clearly the leader in this space but I'm not sure they have monetized it as much as possible.

@mktgdouchebag: Fast forward to one year from now: You'll be making fun of Facebook like it's MySpace.
     - This guy is not afraid to speak his mind. Hence the username "mktgdouchebag". Not so sure I agree with this one. Facebook has become almost a necessity to people. It is such an integral part of day to day life for the majority of people. I think twitter will go down before facebook. Prediction - Twitter gets spammed out in 2 years.

@paulcastain: It's almost 12:00 on the East Coast . . . Are you at least halfway through your action items for today? Lock and load gang!
     - What can I say about Paul? Although I've never met him in person, I've chatted with him on the phone and he is a great motivator and I admire his constant drive to help people. He expects, nor does he want anything in return. Paul knows how to use social media. I'd put him in the "guru" category. With regards to this post, it never hurts to have a little kick-start mid-day.

@TopSalesExperts: How to Lose the Sale, Quickly and Easily - Here are five sure-fire ways to guarantee that you will not get the sale...
     - I'm asking the same question as you. Sure, everyone knows what NOT to do. Uuuuhm, how about you be the expert you are claiming to be and give me some tips. (generally their tweets are in fact good)

What this all boils down to is the extreme importance of being relevant and providing good content to tweeple/fans/followers. This will start conversation, show that your brand, and more importantly YOU, care about people. Selling today is still about people. If your client thinks you're greasier than a meal at McDonalds, and grimier than a garbage man, they will not buy. (No offence to the garbage man, you are all very nice people).

Twitter is NOT: (and I can not stress this enough)
a) A means for spammy self promotion
b) Meant for idiots - You will only hurt yourself and your company
c) A broadcast tool to tell me what you're wearing today and how delicious your breakfast was.
     ***News Flash*** Nobody Cares

That's it for today, I'm off to take out the garbage then grab a meal at McDonalds.
Yummy Yummy : )

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